Man voluntarily dies after letting himself be bitten by some of his 60 snakes

Man voluntarily dies after letting himself be bitten by some of his 60 snakes
Man voluntarily dies after letting himself be bitten by some of his 60 snakes (Michael Jerrard / Unsplash)

A man in Bloemfontein, capital of South Africa, took his own life by being bitten by a venomous snake in his home, where he kept over 60 snakes and other reptiles in appalling conditions.

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When police checked his absence from court for criminal charges, they found a scene described as ‘worse than a horror movie’. The snakes were confined in dark, filthy cages, without proper food or water.

The man, after being accused of mistreating the animals, apparently chose to end his life by being bitten by one of the venomous snakes.

The Bloemfontein SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was called to rescue the snakes and other animals found in the house, all in poor condition. The rescue also revealed the lack of necessary licenses to keep the snakes and reptiles legally. Additionally, the absence of antivenom for some of the exotic snake species found further complicated the situation.

After the rescue, the animals were taken for treatment at the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital. The intention is to rehabilitate them and, when healthy, release them back into the wild.

Source: EWN – Eyewitness News

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